Creating and Managing Posts

Noa Amirav Fatal
Noa Amirav Fatal
  • Updated

Before beginning to create and manage posts, make sure you've connected your accounts in the profiles tab. You can read more about it in our help article about connecting accounts


Creating a new post

Step 1

To get started, click on the "New Post" button on the publishing page.           Screenshot_2023-01-18_at_17.20.26.png

Step 2

Choose the accounts you wish to publish to.

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For Nextdoor posts, you will also have the option to geo-target the post. By default, your post will be published for the Entire Service Area, but if you click the edit icon, you can choose to post on Nextdoor to specific neighborhoods, or custom areas.

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Step 3

Compose your post in the post area. After creating an initial draft, you can customize it between the different networks by toggling the "customize channels" button. This will allow you to customize the original draft for each network, and view separate previews of your post for each network. 


Besides text, a post can include:

  • Links- will automatically include a preview when posted.
  • Hashtags- will populate when posted.
  • Emojis- use the emoji picker above the text area. 
  • Social tags- you can tag another social account by adding the exact account name after "@".

**Pro tip: If you're just posting to Facebook or editing a Facebook tab in a network-customized post, you'll be able to select an account to tag from a drop-down menu once you add "@".

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Step 4

You can add media to your post by dragging and dropping, or clicking on the media icon in the form.

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Once you've added a file, you can add alternative text by clicking on the picture icon. Alt text is supported for all files on Facebook and Linkedin, and for images on Twitter. 


Step 5 

Finally, when your post is ready, choose whether to save it as a draft, schedule it or publish immediately. When choosing to schedule the post, you'll be requested to choose the date and time. 

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Cloning an existing post

You can also create a new post by cloning an existing post. Click on the 3-dot menu on any post in the weekly calendar, and choose clone. The form for creating a new post will open and populate all the data from the cloned post.

Edit any relevant field, choose whether to publish immediately or schedule the post, and you're done! 


Managing drafts and posts

All drafts and scheduled posts can be accessed and edited in the Drafts and Scheduled tab. Scheduled posts will also be presented and available to access through the calendar tab. As long as a post is in draft or scheduled mode, it can be edited by all users with the relevant permissions.


An easy way to keep track of your work on posts, and collaborate with team members, is by accessing the comments and activity log section, which is available for each post. Any action taken on a post will be recorded in the log section, and users can leave internal comments that will be available for anyone with access to the post.

If you're working on a smaller screen, the log and comments section might be collapsed. Click on the expand arrow to view the full section.  Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 13.28.12.png



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