As a central part of Zencity Organic, Zencity’s AI algorithms are able to process and derive meaningful takeaways from the millions of data points that make up your community’s online conversation.
Building the most comprehensive and inclusive picture of this conversation relies on including as much data as possible, improving the quality of the takeaways you can draw from the conversation.
In this article, we will explain how to grant permissions to include extra data and analytics from your accounts, in your dashboard.
The best practice for connecting your accounts and ensuring full data coverage, is to connect it through the Publishing Tool, by creating a department profile and connecting all of the relevant accounts within each profile. If you only want to gather basic data in your Organic dashboard, without using publishing, comment management and performance analytics - you can use the process below.
Managing access to Instagram and Facebook Pages
Granting permission to include data from Instagram and Facebook pages you manage can be done in a single and short process.
Before you start
If you wish to include data from Instagram, please check that you meet these two criteria before starting the permission process:
- The Instagram account you want to include is officially considered a business account.
- The account in question is linked to a Facebook page that you manage.
For additional help in completing these requirements, click here.
Granting access to Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts:
- In the left hand navigation menu, click on "settings", and then select the ‘Social Accounts’ tab.
- On the ‘Social Accounts’ tab, find the subsection titled ‘Facebook Pages & Ads and Instagram’ and click on ‘Manage Access’.
A pop-up window or tab will open for you to log in to Facebook and grant permissions. Notice that your browser might already recognize a previous account you've logged into. You can change the account by clicking on "Log into another account".
In the next step, you will grant access to your Facebook pages and Instagram accounts. If you manage several pages and Instagram accounts, click on "Edit settings" to make sure you grant access to the relevant pages.
- For any Instagram account you choose, make sure you have also granted permissions for the Facebook page it is linked with.
- Click ‘Done’ on the list of permissions that appears next; for a more detailed explanation of how we use these permissions, visit the FAQs below)
- Press ‘OK’ on the next screen to complete the connection
- The list of pages you’ve granted access to will now appear in the ‘Facebook Pages and Instagram’ subsection with status ‘Access pending’
- Once Facebook registers that you’ve granted access and begins to share data via the Zencity app, the status will update to ‘Including data’
For full instructions on connecting Facebook Paid Ads, please refer to this article.
For full instructions on connecting Facebook Groups of which you or a community member are an admin, please refer to this article.
Managing access to Linkedin accounts
Before you start
In order to add data from LinkedIn, please make sure you are defined as a Super Admin or Content Admin. Due to Linkedin limitations, only data from Company Linkedin pages can be included in your dashboard.
Granting access to Linkedin accounts:
- In the left hand navigation menu, click on "settings", and then select the ‘Social Accounts’ tab.
- On the ‘Social Accounts’ tab, find the subsection titled ‘Linkedin’ and click on ‘Manage Access’.
- To complete the process, log into the Linkedin account you wish to include data from. Once you complete logging in, you'll be redirected to the social accounts page.
- The account you’ve granted access to will now appear in the ‘Facebook Pages and Instagram’ subsection with status ‘Access pending’
- Once Linkedin registers that you’ve granted access and begins to share data via the Zencity app, the status will update to ‘Including data’
Managing access to Nextdoor agency accounts
Posts published by a Nextdoor Agency user, along with any comments, views, and Likes, can be collected and included in your Organic dashboard.
Granting permissions can be done by connecting your accounts through the Publishing Tool (allowing you to both publish posts using Zencity, and collect the relevant data).
Important to note- If your Nextdoor agency account has multiple staff users, make sure to complete the connection process for each user. Only posts published by a connected user will be included in your Organic dashboard.
For further details on how to connect your account to publishing, check out this dedicated help article.
What if I don’t see a Facebook page or group I added listed after I follow the steps to grant access?
Facebook pages
For Facebook pages (or Instagram accounts), first confirm that you logged in with the account through which you have admin privileges.
If it is indeed the correct account yet no sources are displaying, that generally means that you have indeed granted access, yet are not the admin of any Pages or Instagram accounts, so there is nothing to actually set up.
Once you create a Page and start managing it, you can simply click ‘Refresh Access’ and the source should appear, as you have already done the work of granting access.
If this is not the case (i.e. you know you are the admin of a page that is not appearing), please contact your CSM.
What does granting permissions allow Zencity to do with my data?
Granting permissions DOES include the following:
- Linking our Zencity app to your social media account
- Telling the social media network it’s okay to share data via this new open channel
- Identifying which Pages and accounts you manage, and allowing you to select the Pages and accounts you’re interested in
- Giving permission for data to be sent from those Pages and accounts
Granting access DOES NOT include any of the following:
- Posting from your accounts
- Accessing personal data from your accounts
What do the different statuses mean that appear for each linked page or group?
Three types of statuses can appear for any data source you've granted access to:
- Access pending: Displays when you’ve granted permission to share data, while Zencity is still processing the connection
- Including data: Displays when Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin are actively sharing data and it is included in your dashboard
- Access expired: Displays when a given permission hits it's expiration date, as determined by the relevant network. In these cases, click the ‘Refresh Access’ button in that section.
Why do a bunch of my sources have the status ‘Access pending?’
In the event you selected ‘all’ when granting access to the Facebook Pages, Instagram accounts, or Facebook groups to which you have admin privileges, there’s a chance that some sources can appear in there that are not relevant to the organic conversation happening in your community. Zencity will spot and exclude these instances, in order to ensure the data you get when visiting your dashboard reflects as relevant resident feedback as possible. Therefore, because you granted access yet Zencity never incorporated the Page, account, or group as a source, the status will remain as ‘Access pending.’ If you believe this is a mistake, please contact your CSM.
Why does Zencity need all of the different data permission types listed for Facebook pages?
The permission types are there to help Zencity build as complete a picture as possible of the organic conversation that’s happening on pages that you manage. For example, granting permission to ‘Read content posted on the Page’ or even ‘Manage comments for the Instagram accounts connected to your Page’ lets us understand and share the topics residents are focusing on and the sentiment they hold. Being able to process both the content of posts, as well as the number and type of emoji reactions a post or comment receives, is essential data for generating the most precise takeaways possible.
For any further questions about how we use any of the permission types in generating analysis and insights for your community, please don’t hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager and they will be happy to provide a more detailed explanation.
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