- Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ status are able to invite participants to a public board.
- You must have already created a Public Board in order to send a Public Board Email Invite.
- All fields marked with an * on this page are mandatory.
Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.
Navigate to your project page and select the project with the
public board that you would like to invite participants to.
Navigate to the 'Public Board' tab and select the Public Board
that you want to invite participants to.
Click on the 'Invite' tab.
Enter the emails of the desired recipients. Complete the rest
of the boxes with the information you want to share with the
Ensure to check the 'Include All Subscribers' box if you would
like the Subscribers who have signed up for notifications on
this Project/All Projects by your Organization to receive the
email too.
You will need to input an email address in the top "To" box,
even if you are only sending to Subscribers.
When you are happy with the contacts and recipients click 'Send
email'. You will then be redirected to the 'Overview' page and
you should see a blue, 'Email Sent' banner appear at the top of
the page.
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