User Login and Setup

Elizabeth Snoap
Elizabeth Snoap
  • Updated

Before diving into the Zencity platform, ensure that you have proper access and review how to customize your user settings. This article will cover user roles in Zencity, login flow, and profile setting configuration.

User Roles in Zencity 360 Platform

There are two possible user roles within the Zencity 360 platform: 

  • Client Admin: Users who have the Client Admin role may create, edit, or deactivate other users in their organization. Only a small number of users will have this account type, which is set up on an individual basis by Zencity staff. Client Admins will have an extra tab within Settings, called "Users Management" (see below).

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  • Client Staff: By default, all users added to the platform will have Client Staff access. This is the standard account type needed to view all Zencity tools and data, except for access to Users Management.

Logging in with Zencity

When you are first added as a user for Zencity, you will receive a welcome message via email that includes an activation link. 

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To get started, click on the button that says “Login to Zencity Dashboard.” This will then bring you to a prompt for setting up your password.

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Once your password is set, you will then be able to enter the platform.

Customizing Your Settings

To edit your user profile, view subscriptions, and more, you will need to navigate to Settings in the platform menu. 

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Once you are in Settings, there are several sections that are customizable to your needs in Zencity.

  • Personal Settings: If you wish to update your name, pronouns, default language, or the default screen that shows upon login, these can all be edited in the Personal Settings tab. 

  • Subscriptions: This tab is where you can set up the alerts and email digests that are automatically sent to you based on Zencity data. Once you are more comfortable in the platform, you will come back here to customize these subscriptions. Click here to learn more.

  • Social Accounts: This tab is where you can manage access and permissions for connected social media accounts that can contribute to your Organic data sources. Click here to learn more

  • Data Sources: This tab is where you can view all the data sources that are connected to your Organic dashboard. Click here to learn more

Finding Help within Zencity

If you feel stuck or need assistance, click on Support in the platform menu. Once clicked, a Resource Center menu will pop up on the right hand side. From there, you can chat with our Support team, view platform walkthroughs, access our Help Center, and more. 

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