How do I use the geolocation tool?

  • Updated

Posts with a tagged location or 311 tickets with an address are presented on your Organic map, allowing you to locate issues and respond to them, or track issues over time by neighborhood. Here are a few tips for finding your way around the map:  


Leading topics by neighborhood

The map will automatically open on the ‘Leading Topics’ settings. This shows what the leading topic in each neighborhood is. The colors correspond to the key on the left.  Click on any neighborhood to see the discourse page for that neighborhood. 

Items by topic

Choose this view to show the breakdown of topics per post. The color of the each pin corresponds to the topic of the same color as seen in the legend on the left. Unclick topics on the menu to hide them from your view.

Items by type

Choose this view to see the breakdown of source type per post. Unclick any type on the menu on the right to focus on any source. 

Heat map by topic

Choose this view to see where the problem is most heavily occurring. Filter by topic to see where trending topics are most prominent. 

Pro tip: This feature is available on projects too. Contact your Customer Success Manager to help you set up relevant projects and follow their location on the project heat map. 

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