How do I get a snapshot of my community?

  • Updated

It is a good idea to start out your day by getting a full picture on what topics are trending among your residents. Your Zencity dashboard can help you see what is most relevant and provide actionable insights for planning your initiatives and messaging.

At first glance

When you don’t have a lot of time and you want to do a quick sweep of the conversation happening in your community before you start the day, it’s a good idea to check out your dashboard for a few minutes to get a picture of what residents are interested in and talking about. The following dashboard widgets can help you do this:

Popular words


The word cloud shows you the most commonly used words among your residents for whichever time period you are looking at. The more popular the words are, the larger they will appear in the cloud. 

Pro tip: If something in the word cloud piques your interest, you can always click on it to find out more information. 

Trending topics

Focused on specific topic? You can always check out the most trending topics on the dashboard along with their sentiment. Hover over the topic you are interested in to see the exact sentiment breakdown. Click on the category you are most interested for more information and sub-categories. 

Pro tip: Clicking on a topic will filter all of your dashboard widgets to display data that's relevant just to the topic you've selected. 


Interested in a specific topic or issue? Use the search bar at the top of the page and search for a specific keyword to see the discourse on that topic. You can also filter by neighborhoods or by data source.

Pro tip: Interested in a specific topic long-term? Create or request a project, and then set up a digest to receive regular updates.

Daily summary


Life gets busy. If you don’t always have a chance to check the platform every morning, ensure you get a succinct summary of the trends and top stories and conversation topics sent right to your inbox each day. Opt in from your subscriptions; while you're there, take a look at what other subscriptions could help deliver data to your inbox at the pace that works best for you.

Bonus tip: Annotate your timeline

Annotate your data to mark dates related to the initiative you're measuring occurred in your community (or nationwide), so you can evaluate the data in the context of real life events. To do so, click on the 3-dot menu in the upper right hand corner of the volume of interactions widget, and then on 'Events management.' From there, enter the date and a descriptive title to add a label to your interactions graph.

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