Changing sentiment

  • Updated

While we are constantly improving our sentiment model and employing machine learning technology, we recognize that sometimes our algorithm may miss the mark--for example, sarcasm can sometimes be difficult to detect! You know your community and context the best, so if you're browsing the stories tab in your main or project dashboard and notice an item with an incorrectly assigned sentiment, here's how you can update it on the spot.


1. Click on the sentiment icon (either a red, green, or grey dot) at the bottom of the original story or comment. 

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 9.16.54 AM.png


2. Under "Edit sentiment," select the label you think is more appropriate.

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 9.17.29 AM.png


For additional questions on how to use this feature or to provide feedback on how an item was classified in your dashboard, please contact your Customer Success Manager or get in touch via the chat below.



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