Comparing Results Over Time Periods

Shasa McCarogher
Shasa McCarogher
  • Updated
  1. Ensure you are logged in to Zencity.

  2. Navigate to 'Engage' and click on the 'Results & Analysis' heading. 

    Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 7.35.57 AM.png 
  3. Select the engagement that you want to view and click on the card.

  4. Select that question that you want to compare your results over time for. 
    Note: Comparison over time is only available for single select, multi select and dropdown questions. 

  5. Click on the three dot action menu at the top of the chart. Depending on the start and end date of your engagement you will have the options to view your results by week, month or quarter. Select the option that best applies.

    FireShot Capture 185 - Where_ Results - Zencity -


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