- Question Types are only used inside Engagements and specifically on Engagement Feedback pages (all but Intro or Last pages).
- Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ or ‘Contributor’ status are able to edit a page inside an engagement.
An engagement is the online survey that community members will participate in. Engagements are contained within project hubs.
Within engagements, you can create various types of questions, including qualitative, quantitative, ranking, scale, visual, geo-spacial and trade off questions.
Participants review contextual media included with engagements (or with specific questions), and then answer your assembled questions.
Data collected from the engagements is then aggregated in the admin interface.
There are currently 16 different question types. Engagements can leverage the following question types:
- Qualitative questions: these allow participants to express themselves through long form answers
- Quantitative questions: these allow you to collect or verify public mandate through single-select, multi-select, custom scale (matrix), or forced-ranking question styles.
- Image variant questions: Both forced-rank and multiple-choice style questions provide the ability to include images in-question, enabling you to provide participants with additional visual context, designed to increase the quality of citizen understanding and feedback.
- Geospatial and image annotation questions: both question types allow participants to engage with an image (or a map) to leave interactive feedback in the form of annotations.
- Budgeting questions: these question types forces a participant to explore trade-offs and gather input within the context of limitations, by selecting options to add up to predetermined totals
- Numeric questions: these question types allow you to ask questions with a numerical value which will enable you to gather more statical analysis
Question Types Explained
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