Creating an Engagement

  • Updated
  • Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ status are able to create a new engagement.
  • All fields marked with an *  on this page are mandatory.
  1. Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.

  2. Navigate to your project page and select the project that you want to add an engagement to. 

  3. Click on the ‘Engagement’ tab.

  4. To create an engagement based off a previous engagement select the 'Copy An Existing Engagement' button.
    To create a new engagement select the 'Start From Scratch' button.
    To create an engagement from a template, select the template that best applies to the engagement that you need to run.
  5. If you are creating a brand new engagement, enter the title of your engagement in the ‘Title’ field.

  6. Enter the date and time that you want your engagement to start in the ‘Start Time’ field. 

  7. Click on the ‘Create Engagement’ button. You can now add content to your engagement if you are creating a new engagement. If you are are starting from a template or using a previous engagement, your engagement will load with content and you can edit it as needed.

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