Sending email invitations to potential participants for an engagement

  • Updated

You can send email invitations to community members if you want them to participate in an open engagement. Ensure that you adhere to CASL / Can-Spam guidelines when sending emails to community members.

Will users who unsubscribe be suppressed when I send emails? Yes

•  All fields marked with an *  on this page are mandatory.

  1. Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.

  2. Navigate to your project page and select the relevant project, click on the ‘Engagement’ tab and then select the engagement that you want to invite participants to.

  3. In order to invite participants to an engagement, the status of your engagement needs to be set to ‘Active’. You can set your status on the ‘Prepare for Launch’ page.
    Remember to click the ‘Save’ button located at the bottom of the page once you have set your engagement to ‘Active’.

  4. Navigate to the ‘Invite’ tab. You will arrive on the ‘Send by email’ screen where you can send email invitations from.
  5. The user invited will receive an invitation like this: 

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