- Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ or ‘Contributor’ status are able to delete content from an engagement page.
- All fields marked with an * on this page are mandatory.
- Note: The engagement must NOT have an 'Active' status if you want to edit/delete it. Navigate to the 'Prepare for Launch' tab and and change the status if needed. We recommend editing/deleting questions or content before the engagement is live so it does not influence your results.
- Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.
- Navigate to your project page and select the project that you want to edit an engagement on, click on the ‘Engagement’ tab and then select the engagement that you want to edit.
- Navigate to the ‘Build’ tab and locate the page that has the content that you want to delete.
- Find the content you want to delete and click on the ‘Content Settings’ icon located on the right hand side of you screen.
- You will see an option to delete your content, click on it.
- A message will appear on your screen asking you to confirm that you want to delete your question, select ‘Ok’ if you would like to continue or ‘Cancel’ if you changed your mind.
- Warning, if you delete content in an engagement, it is gone for good and so is any response data.
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