- Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ or ‘Contributor’ status are able to re-order pages in an engagement.
- All fields marked with a * on this page are mandatory.
- Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.
- Navigate to your project page and select the project that you want to edit an engagement on, click on the ‘Engagement’ tab and then select the engagement that you want to edit.
- Navigate to the ‘Build’ tab.
- Navigate to the ‘Page Settings’ icon on your feedback pages (not your intro or exit pages) which is located in the top right hand corner.
- Click on the icon and it will give you the option to either move your page up or down.
- A message will appear on your screen asking you to confirm that you want to move your page, select ‘Ok’ if you would like to continue or ‘Cancel’ if you have changed your mind.
- If you are navigating away from the page, remember to click the ‘Save’ button located at the bottom of the page.
A message will appear at the top of the screen that says ‘Updated Successfully’.
If you are staying on the engagement page to add or edit more content, remember to save your work when you have finished before you leave the page.
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