Zencity Engage Public API Documentation for GET List of Projects

Shasa McCarogher
Shasa McCarogher
  • Updated

API requests must be made with the Content-Type of application/vnd.api+json

List Projects Endpoint

This endpoint returns a list of all projects with their statuses currently in your Zencity Engage instance.

GET /api/v1/projects

The following fields are available:




         "id": ID,

         "project_title": STRING,








        "id": 1,

        "project_title": "Master Plan"



        "id": 2,

        "project_title": "Climate Action Plan"



        "id": 3,

        "project_title": "American Rescue Plan Act"



        "id": 4,

        "project_title": "Transportation Strategic Plan"



        "id": 5,

        "project_title": "Traffic congestion challenges"




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