Auto-Translate Activation for Projects

  • Updated
  • Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ status are able to activate Auto Translate features.
  • The Multilingual Capabilities must be activated on the Project Details tab for Auto Translate to be available. If you need to do this, go to this article.
  • Different projects under the same Organization could use different languages. The selected languages for a project can then be enabled/disabled for each individual engagement/idea board by the Admin. 

1. Ensure you are logged in to your Zencity Engage account

2. Navigate to the project that you want to use auto-translate on

3. On the Project Details tab, scroll to the 'Language Options' heading. If only English is selected, you will not see the Auto Translate Heading.  

Note: The languages available for Auto-Translation will be what you selected for the 'Language Options' on your Project Details page. You can turn on/off a language option for an idea board on an individual basis.

4. If you have activated multi-lingual features and selected any language(s) aside from English, the Auto-Translation heading should be visible underneath the Language Options.

Note: If the 'Run Auto-Translation' button is faded out this is because the Idea Board needs to be in 'Draft' mode. Change the Status at the bottom of the page under the 'Auto-Translation' section and click 'Save'. You will then see a blue banner with 'Idea Board Updated' at the top of the page.  

5. Read through Auto-Translation notes before running the Auto-Translation. 

6. When you are ready, click the 'Run Auto-Translation' button and a pop-up box will appear asking you to select the languages you want to auto-translate. It will also ask you about 'Override Existing Translation' options. 

7. Select the languages you want, scroll down and click 'Run Auto-Translate'. A pop up box will appear. Click 'Return to Project Page' to go back to the Project Overview page

8. You will receive an email when the Auto-Translation is complete. When you have received the email it will list any words it was unable to translate. Often these are names of people or places, companies, numbers, or words that are the same between the two languages.

9. At the top of the Project Details page you should see a grey box with an 'Editing Language' dropdown. This is where you can select from your chosen languages to manually edit the content on those pages (e.g. if you want to correct something from the auto-translate). If you run auto translation and then edit or add additional content to the English version of your engagement, you will have to rerun auto translation so that the new content is translated into your selected languages. 


10. When you preview the project, the default version is in English. Click on the Language Option icon in the top right and select a different language, wait one moment, and the page will reload with content appearing in your chosen language. 





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