- Only users with ‘Owner’ or ‘Builder’ status are able to create a new project.
- All fields marked with an * on this page are mandatory.
- Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.
- On your homepage you will see you have the the option to either create a 'Complete Project' or 'Simple Project'. Select the 'Complete Project' Option.
Note: Complete Projects include a Project Hub
Your page will only look like this before you have created a project. If you already have existing projects your screen will look slightly different. - You now have the option to start from scratch or from a template.
- If you choose to 'Start from Scratch' you will be prompted to give your project a name.
- Click on the ‘Create project’ button at the bottom of your screen to create your project. You are now ready to add content to your new project.
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