Filtering results responses by a quantitative question

  • Updated
  1. Ensure you are logged in to Zencity Engage.

  2. Navigate to your project page and select the project that you want to view the results of an engagement on, click on the ‘Engagement’ tab and then select your required engagement.

  3. Navigate to the ‘Results & Analysis’ tab. 

  4. On the left hand side of the page, under the ‘Pages’ heading, select the page that you want to view results on.

  5. Navigate to the ‘Tools & Options’ heading and click on the ‘Filter’ button. Enter your filtering criteria in the ‘Question & Answer’ fields and click on the apply button.
    The data on the page will be filtered and you can view your results.
    Ensure you clear the filtering field before moving as your filter will be applied to the whole engagement.

  6. You can apply this filter to ‘Single Text Box’, ‘Image Select’, ‘Image Ranking’, ‘Image Pin Drop’ and ‘Map Pin Drop’ questions.
  7. It is possible to have the ‘Filter’ and ‘Compare’ selected at the same time and this might be relevant for some questions, but ensure that the ‘Compare’ field is cleared if you are only wanting to filter your results.

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