Introduction to Engage

Elizabeth Snoap
Elizabeth Snoap
  • Updated

Zencity Engage is a digital engagement platform for communities and their leaders to connect on key topics, events, and initiatives.

You can access all of the tools within Engage here:

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Engage Overview and Video

Using resident-facing Project Hubs makes it easy for residents to get the information they need and provide input. Engage includes:

  • Informative Project pages for each of your new initiatives hosted on a public-facing Home Screen
  • Interactive tools like idea boards, engagement surveys, Q&As, and more to generate discussion and gather meaningful feedback
  • A clear snapshot of engagement survey findings that allows you to quickly generate and share reports using built-in data visualization tools

Watch this helpful video to further understand what Engage is, how it looks to residents, and how it can be set up for citizen information, feedback, and empowerment. 

Video Graphic by Designvector10 · Creative FabricaVideo: Connect to Residents with Engage

Engage Navigation

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Dashboard Page

Where you can see projects and engagements that need your attention most. This is a helpful snapshot of recent activity and notifications.

Results & Analysis Page

Where you can view all your open and closed engagements (surveys) and analyze participation and results.

Projects Page

Where you cross into the Engage (Civil Space) platform and manage user settings, branding, your home screen, categories, and projects (depending on your role). Note, once you click "Projects" within Engage, you will see a new menu on the left hand side for additional Engage navigation.

Engage Features

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Home Screen

  • Landing Page: Display all your active Engage Projects together in one place on the Home Screen. This landing page is initially set up by our solutions team to accurately reflect your branding and link all your projects together in one easy-to-reach hub. 
  • Branding: Your Home Screen branding can be customized by any user with an "Owner" role in Engage. The branding that you choose will appear throughout your projects and engagements as well. You can customize the organization name, headline, description, logo, colors among others settings.
  • Example: To view what an example home screen looks like for an organization, check out this demo page from Zencity.


  • Group Projects & Control Access: Categories allow you to group related projects and restrict user access, ensuring only relevant departments manage their specific projects.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Projects assigned to categories are grouped together on your home screen, making it easier for community members to view projects related to specific departments or initiatives.


  • Project Setup: A Project is an interactive microsite that includes media, documents, timelines, updates, social links, and more to keep citizens informed and engaged. You can set up a Project from scratch by adding your own content or opt for an AI-automated setup where content is generated for you. 
  • Collaborative Activities: Projects can house various engagement tools such as public boards, discussions, surveys, budgeting exercises, and mapping activities to facilitate citizen input and collaboration.
  • Updates: Use Project updates to create dated posts with videos, images, links, and calls to action, and email updates to your subscriber base to keep citizens informed on major activities or advancements within your Project.
  • Example: To view an example of a Project page, click here to view one on our demo site. Check out the included collaborative activities, including the engagement survey.

Engagement Survey

  • Flexible Setup: Create as many engagements as you’d like, with options for invite-only access, public advertisement on your Project page and Home Screen, or restricted participation using unique codes. Engagement surveys can be integrated into a Project or generated as a "simple survey" to stand alone. 
  • Content & Questions: Each engagement can include a mix of content and questions to educate participants within the engagement survey flow, leading to higher quality feedback.
  • Proactive Feedback: Proactively gather community input on plans and initiatives and view easy-to-read results within Zencity. 

Collaborative Activities

  • Public Boards: Think of these as digital “bulletin boards” for gathering public feedback. With Engage’s Public Boards tool, participants can share ideas, ask questions, and interact through upvotes, downvotes, and comments. 
  • Discussions: These are threaded conversations where residents can jump into open dialogues.  Users and moderators can also flag, report, approve, and reject comments to keep things running smoothly (or use AI moderation), just like on public boards.

Learn More about Engage

To learn more about getting started with Engage, read through these articles from the Engage section of this Help Center.

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