Viewing Topic Clustering and Sentiment Analysis for closed Engagements that were run after August 1st 2023

Shasa McCarogher
Shasa McCarogher
  • Updated

Note: Topic Clustering will only be run on engagements that have closed. The analysis should be available within a few days of the close date.  

  1. Ensure you are logged in to Zencity.

  2. Navigate to 'Engage' and click on the 'Results & Analysis' heading. 

    Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 7.35.57 AM.png

  3. Select the engagement that you want to view and click on the card. Navigate to your qualitative question. You will now see the sentiment analysis, topics and sub topics for your question. 

    Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 2.32.11 PM.png

  4. To view the subtopics related to the listed topics, click on the arrow to open expand the box. You will now see a list of your subtopics. Clicking on the topic or subtopic will filter the comments shown on the right hand side of the screen by that topic or subtopic. 

    Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 2.41.28 PM.png

  5. If no topics were identified you will continue to see a list of keywords. Possible reasons why analysis is not available include, the engagement didn't collect enough responses, the type of responses to this question are too short, and doesn't suit topic analysis, responses are too varied that no common topics were identified to produce a valid analysis or the engagement was run before topic analysis was introduced to the 'Engage Platform.

    Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 2.39.20 PM.png

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