Requesting a Boost to Increase Participation in my Engagement for Results Collected After August 1st 2023

Shasa McCarogher
Shasa McCarogher
  • Updated


If your engagement has not received as many participants as you would like / need to have a large enough sample, in some cases Zencity Professional Services staff can recruit additional participants from your community using geo-targeted digital platform and social media advertising.  
This capability is available to customers with a Zencity Engage Pro license and on engagements that have more than 10 days remaining.

  1. Ensure you are logged in to Zencity.

  2. Navigate to 'Engage' and click on the 'Results & Analysis' heading. 

    Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 7.35.57 AM.png

  3. Select the engagement that you want to view and click on the card. Engagements that are eligible will have a 'Boost' icon in the top right hand corner. 

  4. Near the top-right of the page, if you are an Engage Pro client and there are more than 10 days remaining in the engagement, you'll see a blue 'Boost Participation' button on the page. 


  5. After clicking the button, you should see a confirmation message at the top of the page, letting you know that the Professional Services team has been made aware of your request, and will get back to you to discuss getting more residents to fill out your survey ASAP.

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