*Users who have the Client Admin role may create, edit or deactivate users. Only Zencity staff can grant this role to client users. If you believe you should have the ability to manage the users on your organization's account, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they may assign you the Client Admin role.
Client Admins can take the following steps to add a new user:
- Navigate to "settings" section using the bottom section on the left navigation pane.
- Move to the "User Management" tab, and click on the "Add a User" button on the top right corner.
- Fill out the "Add a User" form with the user's First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. Deselect any products the user should NOT have access to.
- Click "Save." An automated email will be sent to the user's email address with a link to verify their account and set up a password.
Client Admins can take the following steps to edit an existing user's account:
- Navigate to "settings" section using the bottom section on the left navigation pane.
- Move to the "User Management" tab, and click the "Edit" button associated with the user's name.
- Update the "User Management" form as needed. The user's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Products Access can be updated.
- Click "Save."
Client Admins can take the following steps to deactivate a user's account:
- Navigate to "settings" section using the bottom section on the left navigation pane.
- Move to the "User Management" tab, and click the "Deactivate" button associated with the user's name.**
**Deactivated users can always be reactivated as needed by clicking the "Activate" button associated with the user's name.
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